You identify your ADHD goals and we partner to reach them together.
Common goals:
- Improve your understanding of ADHD, how it affects you, your child, or teen, and identify what helps.
- Implement effective, ADHD informed parenting strategies and behavior management skills.
- Build systems and strategies to support success and scaffold ADHD related challenges.
- Improve self-regulation and emotional reactivity.
- Communicate more effectively within your family.
- Improve your ability to help your child or teen manage anger, impulsivity, and defiance.
- Obtain school accommodations for ADHD to improve academic achievement.
- Learn ADHD specific academic success techniques (homework completion plans, organization skills, motivation, and time management).
- Decrease tension and conflict in the home.
- Improve executive functioning deficits to help with academic performance, relationships, financial responsibility, and decision making.
- Identify and build on strengths to build self-esteem and self efficacy.
- Increase motivation, independence, and accountability.